Vyom: Chapter 3: Part 1
This is a web novel. Click here for more info.

The car appeared at 1:20AM in front of my apartment.
The ground was slippery due to drizzle. The road near my apartment was muddy since the road was under construction (which has been in such condition for 3 months).
So there is no need to mention that a car coordinated by Naman sprayed me with mud. “You-” I tried sidestepping but the damage had been done. I tired wiping my jacket which just made the stain worse.
The driver’s side window (which was opaque black) rolled down to reveal a man wearing classic squircle black glasses; he had a long face, wheatish complex and a noticeable scar at the corner of his left eye. His hair was long in an untidy way, like a sober haircut but overgrown.
Though only his shoulder was visible I could tell he was muscular. He leaned back to reveal Naman in the shotgun. “Is he the one?”
The sunglasses dude asked Naman “Yeah”.
The guy unlocked the side door of the rear seats to let me in.
Sarah was on the other side “Naman invited you too?” “Yeah, though ‘invited’ is not the appropriate word.” “Who’s that guy in the front?” I inquired knowing that separation between the rear and front seats was soundproof.
“Agent Badri Sehn” said Sarah perking up “Though for some reason he wanted us to call him ‘The Detective’.”
We continued travelling out of the city .Soon we entered a forest and were on a dirt road (in case you were wondering with all the windows opaque we knew this due to the screens giving us live camera footage).
We drove up a hill where the car stopped (well sort of).
Badri jerked the car to a 360 degree, cracking my head against the window. We stepped out of the car.
Now that we were standing I could fully see Badri, he was nearly 6 feet tall with a muscular body. He was dressed in black pants and suit, his shirt white and tie black, like a classic James Bond outfit.
My heart skipped a beat when he pulled out two sawed off shotguns. “Are you sure it is here?” Naman questioned
“Do you think I would waste petrol, at the rate it is going, if it wasn’t here?”
I immediately recognized the ‘it’ and many questions raced through my mind. Why was I here? Why didn’t we have 8 more Badris? How could Badri walk in the mud in those polished James bond shoes?
Naman recognized mine and Sarah’s expressions. “I know what you two are thinking? I bet you don’t know about half the stuff written in terms and agreements of the recruitment form.”
Badri was ignoring us focusing on the environment. Ahead of us covering the hill top, were concrete pillars and boulders sticking out of the ground.
“Naman and Dev, cover each other’s back and scout from the left side towards the center, if in trouble just fire. “I and Sarah” Badri pointed towards the right side “Would start from there.” “If I die” Sarah began “Make sure my funeral plays my Spotify created playlist ‘When I Die’ ”
“Deal!” Naman said as he pulled out a Glock
Next part on 18.05.2022 Link
I want to thank everyone who reads my blogs. I love to hear fan theories, suggestions and complements on my writing. Each applause, follow and e-mail subscription really makes my day.